General Conference & Research Symposium
When and where will the 2025 Conference and Research Symposium be held?
- The 54th Annual NAAEE Conference and 22nd Annual Research Symposium will be held virtually.
- The Annual Conference will begin on Monday, November 3 and runs through Thursday, November 6.
- The Research Symposium will be held on Thursday, October 30.
- Optional pre-conference workshops (requiring separate registration), eePRO and Affinity Group meetings, and other networking opportunities will be held throughout October.
- Most sessions will be scheduled between 11:00 AM and 6:00 PM Eastern Time. Note that the Research Symposium times are all Eastern Daylight Time and the Annual Conference times are all Eastern Standard Time. (In the U.S., the time change occurs on the weekend between the Research Symposium and Conference.)
What's the difference between the Conference and the Research Symposium?
- For more than five decades, NAAEE has convened one of the leading annual conferences for environmental education professionals, designed to promote innovation, networking, learning, and dissemination of best practices across the field.
- The annual Research Symposium, held in advance of the conference, attracts new and established researchers to examine in-progress EE research, explore the current state and future directions of environmental education research, and advance the use of practices proven to be effective.
- Concurrent sessions for the Annual Conference and Research Symposium are selected through independent review processes with different criteria. Each respective Call for Presentations includes details about this year's priority topics, session formats, and tips for submitting proposals.
- Each event has a separate registration fee.
NOTE: It is important that all presenters use the same email address when submitting proposals in the All Academic system and when registering for the conference or research symposium.
How do I submit a proposal for the Conference or Research Symposium program?
- The Call for Presentations is open now and closes on May 16, 2025.
- The requirements for the Annual Conference and the Research Symposium differ and are explained in detail in separate Calls for Presentations. Both are available for review or download.
- You can find links to enter the submission system on the conference home page. The submission process is summarized here.
- Each Call for Presentations includes detailed information on this year’s session formats, delivery options, priority topics, and review criteria. Successful proposals will reflect these guidelines.
- To help maximize the number and diversity of presenters and perspective on the program, each individual or team of individuals is limited to three proposal submissions for the conference or research symposium.
When will I be notified if my presentation is accepted?
- The review process begins in mid May, and we expect to notify individuals of the review results in late July.
- Notifications will be sent through the All Academic conference management system. This email message comes from <Do_Not_Reply @>. Sensitive filters sometimes reject this address; check your email settings to ensure these messages are not filtered out as spam.
- Notifications are also stored in each presenter's message center in All Academic and can be accessed by logging in to your All Academic account.
Will you tell me if my proposal is rejected?
- Yes, we notify all submitters of the results of the review process.
Where can I review the session formats, and what’s the difference between them?
- Session formats for both the conference and research symposium vary in length, presentation style, and delivery options.
- Session formats are described in the Call for Presentations for the conference and the research symposium.
- Some formats are delivered as live sessions via Zoom. Others are delivered as prerecorded sessions submitted in advance as mp4 files.
- Live sessions for the Annual Conference include Workshops, Symposia, Hands-On Presentations, Traditional Presentations, and Roundtable Discussions.
- Prerecorded sessions for the Annual Conference include Bright Spots and Posters.
- Live sessions for the Research Symposium include Panel Presentations and Workshops.
- Prerecorded sessions for the Research Symposium include 10-minute presentations.
What’s the difference between live and prerecorded sessions?
- All sessions for the 2025 conference and research symposium are virtual sessions.
Live Sessions:
- Live sessions are scheduled once and presented live via Zoom during the Research Symposium (October 30) and the Annual Conference (November 3–6) between 11:00 AM and 6:00 PM Eastern Time. Note that Research Symposium sessions are on Eastern Daylight Time and Annual Conference sessions are on Eastern Standard Time.
- The majority of live presenters will be available to interact in real time time with attendees, although there may be some prerecorded segments, in particular to help accommodate international participants in different time zones.
- Live sessions will be recorded in real time for on-demand viewing after events end on November 6.
- Live sessions for the Annual Conference include Workshops, Symposia, Hands-On Presentations, Traditional Presenations, and Roundtable Discussions.
- Live sessions for the Research Symposium include Panel Presentations and Workshops.
Prerecorded Sessions:
- Prerecorded sessions are recorded in advance and submitted ahead of time by September 15, 2025.
- Prerecorded sessions will be posted for asynchronous, on-demand viewing during and after the conference and research symposium.
- There is no scheduled presentation time for prerecorded sessions; attendees can leave questions for presenters via online chat.
- Prerecorded sessions for the Annual Conference include Bright Spots and Posters.
- Prerecorded sessions for the Research Symposium include 10-minute presentations.
What do I need to know about poster presentations?
- Posters are PDF images that summarize programs, resources, research studies, or other work through text, images, and data.
- All posters for both the conference and research symposium will be presented as on-demand sessions without a scheduled presentation time.
- Posters are most often created using applications such as Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator, Microsoft Publisher, Microsoft PowerPoint, and others.
- Posters are typically designed in a format that is 36 inches high and 48 inches wide and most universities offer editable templates. However, because posters are submitted electronically as PDF files, sizing is flexible and the poster can be split into several still images to make viewing easier.
- Poster presenters may also include an optional recorded introduction up to 10 minutes in length. These recordings must be submitted as mp4 files by September 15, 2025. Instructions will be provided via an email message that is sent from
- Submitters will add their own PDF files directly to the conference platform when it becomes available about a month prior to the conference and research symposium start. Instructions will be provided via an email message that is sent from
How do I make changes to my session description?
- Only the individual who submitted a proposal is able to make changes. If the submitter is no longer available and changes are required, contact
- To edit your proposal until the May 16 submission deadline, log in to your All Academic Account.
- On your home page in All Academic, find your Submitter Menu, and click on "View Proposals" to bring up a list of your proposals. (Sessions appear only on the page of the original submitter of the proposal, not on each presenter's page.)
- Select the title of the session you wish to revise and click on "edit" in the action menu to the right.
- Navigate to your session description. Make your changes, and be sure to save your work by clicking "accept and continue" at the bottom of each page.
- No changes can be made during the review and selection process between mid May and late July. Presenters will not be able to access the system during this time. The submission system will reopen for updates after submitters are notified of the review results, and submitters can make changes to session presenters and descriptions until August 31.
- A tentative schedule will be available for review after the August 31 confirmation deadline. It is to your advantage to make revisions as soon as possible.
How do I add or remove a presenter to my proposal?
- Only the individual who submitted a proposal is able to make changes. If the submitter is no longer available and changes are required, contact
- To edit your proposal until the August 31 deadline for revisions, log in to your All Academic account. Find your Submitter Menu, and select the title of the session you wish to revise. Click on "edit" in the action menu to the right.
- No changes can be made during the review process between mid May and late July. The system
Navigate to the presenter page and follow these steps:
- Enter the new presenter's last name in the search box on the right. If the individual already has an All Academic profile, the name, email address, and affiliation will appear in a new table below. Select "Add" in the "Action" field to add the individual to your list of presenters.
- If no match appears, you need to create an All Academic profile for the individual. Click on "Add Unlisted Participant" at the bottom of the page. Add the name, email address, and affiliation. The system will generate a user name and password, and the individual will receive a notification email.
- Once you complete this process, the individual will appear when you search for the last name, and you will be able to add the person to your session.
- Repeat this process for each person you wish to add to your proposal.
- Names, affiliations, and email addresses appear in the conference and research symposium programs exactly as they appear in All Academic. Please ensure correct spelling and capitalization and avoid using unfamiliar abbreviations.
- To remove a listed presenter, click on the "x" in the action menu to the right of their name.
Do presenters have to pay conference registration fees?
- Yes, all Annual Conference presenters are required to register for the conference. All Research Symposium presenters are required to register for the one-day symposium.
- All presenters must confirm their participation by registering before the September 15 early bird deadline.
- We typically have more than 500 presenters involved in some aspect of our program; we ask that all pay registration fees so we can maintain lower and more equitable conference and symposium fees for all attendees.
- NAAEE has not finalized fees, but we expect conference registration for current NAAEE members to be about $275 for a professional and $175 for a student or retiree. We expect research symposium registration for current NAAEE members to be about $175 for a professional and $125 for a student or retiree. Nonmember rates will be about 30% higher than member rates.
- We hope to be able to provide lower-cost options for those with limited funding.
What are the terms and conditions for presenters?
Please Read the Presenter Agreement
By confirming your accepted session and registering for the conference and/or symposium by the September 15 early bird registration deadline, you are indicating that you have read and agree to the terms of this Presenter Agreement.
How do I confirm my session?
- After notifictions are sent in late July, all submitters must confirm their session(s)—either yes or no—by August 31. Please show us the courtesy of a response so we can fill any open spaces due to withdrawals from our waitlist.
- Only the individual who submitted a proposal is able to confirm the session. If the submitter is no longer available and changes are required, contact
- To confirm your session by the August 31 deadline, log in to your All Academic account. On your home page in All Academic, find your Submitter Menu. Click on "View Proposals" to see a list of your proposals. (Sessions appear only on the page of the person who originally submitted the proposal.)
- Select the title of the session you wish to confirm. Select "confirm session" in the action menu on the right and select "yes" or "no." Rest assured that your confirmation response is recorded by the system; All Academic does not send a verification message.
- A tentative schedule of confirmed sessions will be available for review after August 31. It is to your advantage to confirm your status prior to the confirmation deadline.